
Simple Sophistication is a classic and modern design for photographers, videographers, and any small business. Included are 12 page layouts with 4 bonus layouts: a coming soon page, a social landing page, and a strategic sales page.


Simple Sophistication is a classic and modern design for photographers, videographers, and any small business.

Strategically designed to optimize your SEO and built to fit any business type. Our most flexible template!

Included are 12 page layouts:

+ Home
+ About
+ Portfolio
+ Galleries
+ Services
+ Blog
+ Blog Posts
+ Contact
+ Coming Soon
+ Social Landing
+ Sales Page

Banner layouts can be a static image, a slideshow of images, or even a background video (the perfect option for videographers).

All layouts are made with blocks to easily rearrange elements on any page layout to fit your business needs.

Customize your template with ease using our step-by-step tutorial and instruction guide.